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当你在智利留学的时候, you’ll learn how to savor the good things: nature’s beauty, 新体验, 以及优质教育. This unusually long and narrow country features the majority of South America’s western coastline and encompasses a wide variety of ecosystems spread across four distinct natural regions.  If you love spending time outdoors, 智利 is the playground you’ve been waiting to explore. 当你不上课的时候, you’ll have the opportunity to go whitewater rafting, 在太平洋冲浪, 骑马穿过郁郁葱葱的山谷, 在安第斯滑雪, hike through the forests of Alerce Andino National park, 划独木舟穿过印加湖, 乘船游览巴塔哥尼亚的大理石洞穴, cruise through spectacular fjords and gleaming glaciers, 阿塔卡马沙漠的星空, 在闪闪发光的白色沙滩上晒日光浴.      




Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and known as the cultural capital of 智利, 城市是自发的, 快乐的, and just a little bit gritty: a perfect introduction to Latin life.
57°F (15°C)
72°F (20°C)
  • 人文学科
  • 外语 & 文学
  • 社会科学

你是运动爱好者吗? 在智利你会有宾至如归的感觉. Join the locals in their passion for fútbol at a professional game or try playing it yourself with 智利an classmates and other international students. If you’re looking for something a little different, take the opportunity to experience 智利an rodeo, 这是美国第二受欢迎的运动, 在离你最近的媒体竞技场.  如果你更喜欢吃喝玩乐的话, there’s plenty to treat yourself to in this Latin American country. Tour the Casablanca Valley to see some of 智利’s best vineyards, 世界级葡萄酒从哪里产生, 尝尝皮斯科酒, a 智利an grape brandy the locals take great pride in. Share a plate of tasty empanadas with your new friends, followed by chocolatey alfajores for dessert. 如果你是海鲜爱好者, dig into a plate of machas a la parmesan or any of the freshly caught fare in Viña del Mar.   



西班牙语 & 拉丁美洲研究

西班牙语 & 拉丁美洲研究

罗马大学Católica de 瓦尔帕莱索

Explore Latin American culture and learn about this geographically diverse country while improving your Spanish language skills in 智利! 无论你是西班牙语的初学者, 口语达到高级水平, 或者介于两者之间, you’ll take language courses that’ll boost your fluency. 在学期中, courses taught in English or Spanish provide you with insight into Latin American and 智利an culture, 历史, 和社会.


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  • 起价4895美元


罗马大学Católica de 瓦尔帕莱索

Enjoy student life in one of South America's most beautiful cities as you take your Spanish language skills to the next level. Attend classes alongside 智利an students and choose from a wide range of courses taught in Spanish. Flexible course options allow you to earn credits toward your major or fulfill additional graduation requirements. You’ll hone your Spanish language skills through interaction with your classmates, 教授, 和当地居民, 在校内外, progressing through the language immersion experience.


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  • SE
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  • 起价14395美元

Bookworms and aspiring writers will appreciate 智利’s literary legacy. The country gave birth to some of Latin America’s greatest writers: Nobel Prize poets Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, and the novelists Roberto Bolaño and Isabel Allende, 在许多其他方面. 访问聂鲁达的故居瓦尔帕莱索, see Allende’s favorite Chiloé islands for yourself, stop by Mistral’s former family home-turned-museum in Vicuña, and check out legendary 智利an songwriter and poet Violeta Parra’s cultural center in her hometown of Santiago.  如果你更喜欢视觉艺术而不是文字, 智利的博物馆会让你着迷, 画廊, 还有街道. 从前哥伦比亚到当代, 从美术到无名壁画, 智利 has all the color and creativity you could want in a study abroad destination.  智利ans are a laid-back people who take their time, 重视家庭, 并为自己的民族传统感到自豪. 他们张开双臂热切地等待着你, wanting to show you why their country is one of the best in South America. Develop your Spanish language skills as you connect with the locals in and out of the classroom and let them bring Latin American and 智利an studies to life for you every day. 



  • Concon Take a 15-minute bus ride to the next town, ConCon, a.k.a. 智利美食之都. 尝尝最好的肉馅卷饼, 在海滩上愉快地散步, 享受在美妙的海浪上冲浪, 或者在起伏的沙丘上玩沙板
  • 拉坎帕纳国家公园 如果你喜欢徒步旅行和冒险, take the metro train inland to the town of Limache and then hop on a bus to Olmue. The National Park La Campana offers, hiking paths, picnic areas, viewpoints, and camping sites.
  • 萨卸职 这个重要的渔湾, located at the city limits of Viña del Mar and Valparaiso, draws local people and tourists every day to buy a variety of fresh fish. It’s also a great place to enjoy delicious local seafood at nearby restaurants.
  • 散步Gervasoni Stroll along one of Valparaiso’s most scenic and colorful streets. 欣赏这座城市令人叹为观止的景色, 殖民时期的豪宅, and watch the fishing boats come and go from the ports. Most days you’ll find local artisans selling hand-made jewelry, 绘画, 包和其他类似的小饰品.