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Discover Your own Joie de Vivre

宝博体育 法国 and discover why this country is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. 法国 is home to some of the most iconic monuments on the planet. 仅在巴黎, 你可以看到万神殿, 凯旋门, 巴黎圣母院, and the ultimate symbol of 法国, 埃菲尔铁塔. 在万神殿停下来, an 18th century Gothic cathedral turned mausoleum, 拜访伏尔泰, 卢梭, 维克多。雨果, 居里夫人, 埃米尔·左拉, and other great French citizens buried there. 开车经过凯旋门, a famous monument honoring French veterans killed in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, at the equally well-known Champs-Élysées avenue. 巴黎圣母院, a 13th century architectural masterpiece and the inspiration for 维克多。雨果’s Hunchback novel, welcomes you to admire its stained-glass windows and hear the ringing of its bells. Snap a photo of yourself with new friends next to the one-of-a-kind Eiffel Tower or better yet, climb to the top of it for a view of the French capital that can’t be beat. You can find just as much French history beyond 巴黎 as in it. The extravagant Palace of Versailles, once the home of Queen Marie Antoinette, looks much the same as it did in the 18th century. Walk through its Hall of Mirrors and around the ever-beautiful gardens on the palace grounds, in the footsteps of French royalty. To go all the way back to ancient times, picnic on the riverbank next to the Pont du Gard Roman Aqueduct outside Avignon. Visit the beaches in Normandy where a decisive World War II battle took place.  




艾克斯 is the birthplace of artist Paul 塞尚, who spent most of his career capturing the many facets of the region’s most noble residents, 山Sainte-Victoire.
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
42°F (5.5°C)
  • 业务
  • 细 & 艺术工作室
  • 外语 & 文学
  • 宝博体育


Located in southeastern 法国, Grenoble offers miles of Alpine trails, mountain lakes and more than a dozen ski resorts within an hour’s drive.
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
36°F (2°C)

  • 业务
  • 外语 & 文学


At the crossroads of Provence, 意大利 and the Alps lies the 法国里维埃拉, aka the Côte d’Azur. 几个世纪以来, many have sought relaxation and refuge on its sunny shores and in its quaint southern towns.
76°F (25°C)
49°F (10°C)
  • 业务
  • 工程
  • 科学


The City of Light has long been the center of politics, art and social change in 法国. While this city’s roots run deep in European history, 巴黎 can be surprisingly fresh and modern.
69°F (21°C)
41°F (5°C)
  • 业务
  • 沟通
  • 工程
  • 宝博体育

法国 gave the world some of history’s most influential painters, 包括雷诺阿, 莫奈, 图卢兹, 马蒂斯, 马奈, 塞尚, 和高. Many of their works are exhibited at the Musee d’Orsay in 巴黎, often regarded as the best museum in the world. 卢浮宫, another world-famous art museum, houses great works such Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 米洛的维纳斯雕像, The Winged Victory of Samothrace, and other historically significant paintings and sculptures from throughout continental Europe. When you’re finished browsing 巴黎’ art museums, make sure to see Rodin’s most recognized sculpture, “思想家,” outside the Varenne metro station. Go to Giverny to visit Claude 莫奈’s lovely home and gardens, where the genre-defining painter once lived and worked. 水上花园, with its Japanese bridge and lily pond, looks just as charming in person as it does in his paintings. Stop in 艾克斯 to see 塞尚’s old studio and his beloved subject, Mount Saint Victoire. Outdoor enthusiasts have an endless number of idyllic landscapes to explore in 法国. Go skiing or snowboarding in the majestic French Alps near Grenoble, 飞升的英里在哪里, snowy peaks provide some of the best terrain for winter sports. Sunbathe on the luxurious beaches of the 法国里维埃拉 and swim in the sparkling blue, 地中海水域. Breathe in the soothing scent of the lavender fields in Provence, as you stroll through the rows of radiant purple flowers. In 巴黎, look no further than the Jardin du Luxembourg for a slice of nature. These gardens surrounding the Palace of Luxembourg make for an enchanting oasis in the midst of the city, where you can find apple and pear orchards, 一个橘园, 复古的旋转木马, 喷泉, 雕像, and a pond where children sail toy boats. Take a walk along the charming canals in Annecy and rent a paddleboat to spend the day on the town’s resplendent lake. Kayak through the unbelievably teal waters of the Verdon Gorges, a stunning river canyon. Explore the magical Côte de Granit Rose in Brittany, one of only three places in the world where pink granite naturally occurs. Visit the Camargue Salt Flats to step into a mystical environment of red and pink lagoons where flamingoes, 野马, 黑色的牛, and French cowboys live in harmony. 






Set yourself apart from the competition by taking engineering courses abroad. 巴黎 is an ideal destination for engineering majors, a city where many scientists and mathematicians have made significant contributions to the field. You’ll experience 巴黎 as a learning lab through site visits and lectures which complement your classroom curriculum. Additional elective courses focus on aspects of French culture and may fulfill a humanities or social science requirement. While French language skills are not required for the program, you’ll likely acquire basic French and use it to navigate this historic city.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价7195美元
业务、通信 & 文科

业务、通信 & 文科


Choose from a wide range of business, 通信, and liberal arts electives — all taught in English — that offer an international perspective. Take advantage of SKEMA’s setting in a research and technology park to develop the skills you need to thrive in today’s global economy.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价18795美元
法语 & 文化

法语 & 文化


Immerse into French language and culture as you attend class alongside other international students. Choose from a range of electives that deepen your understanding of French culture and complement your language learning.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价15995美元

Feast on some of the most delicious food in the world, from freshly baked baguettes and croissants to creamy soft cheeses and hand-crafted chocolates. Try savory crêpes or quiche Lorraine for lunch. Try not to feel overwhelmed by all of the tantalizing possibilities you have for dinner: mouth-watering duck confit or coq au vin, a dish of chicken braised in wine sauce; the classic boeuf bourguignon, the delicious French version of beef stew, 或者普罗旺斯鱼汤, 普罗旺斯鱼汤. You’ll find it just as hard to pick a dessert in 法国 as an entrée, 用五颜六色的马卡龙, 美味的条状拿, and silky crème brûlée just a few of the options available. Don’t forget to pair French food with the right French beverage. Take a tour of a Bordeaux vineyard and taste some of the region’s internationally famous wine, or drink champagne in its birthplace to celebrate your time in this unforgettable country. In a world that moves increasingly away from print, 法国 is still a nation where you can browse the shelves in hundreds of independent and secondhand book shops or at the street stalls along the Seine River in 巴黎. There’s an equal abundance of good reading spots too, from park benches to old cafes to gorgeous libraries such as the Bibliothèque Mazarine. When you study abroad in 法国, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your French language skills, attend class at some of the most prestigious European institutions, and indulge in a culture of pleasure and beauty all at once. Discover a new interest or dedicate time to your creative passion in this country of artists and intellectuals. 法国 invites you to experience the richness of life, education, and yourself.



  • 博物馆免费入场日 On the first Sunday of every month, 巴黎 opens its museums to the public for free. Take this opportunity to see the biggies or choose from hundreds of others!
  • 巴士底狱 Walk out the CEA Grenoble office door, 向左转, and start walking up the mountain to get to the 巴士底狱. This old fortress overlooking the city of Grenoble is a portal to many hiking trails. Just ask for a guidebook in the CEA office!
  • 徒步旅行Ste. 维多利亚山 艾克斯 students love the fact that they can hike to the top of Ste Victoire mountain on Aix’s doorstep in an afternoon (don’t worry, 这只是从670升到3,336英尺!) and be rewarded with breathtaking views. 你可能认得我. Victoire from artist Paul 塞尚’s paintings and sketches. Jump on a local bus in town center and 30 minutes later you’re at the foot of the mountain... 然后回艾克斯喝茶!
  • 户外 Enjoy the great outdoors when you study in the 法国里维埃拉, 因为游泳, 皮划艇, hiking and skiing are all within easy reach! 为徒步旅行, 跳上去特拉亚斯的火车, where you’ll find direct access to the Esterel 山s and hundreds of miles of hiking trails. For winter sports, catch an inexpensive bus to the skiing slopes in Auron or Isola 2000.